Culture Music
Paris Hilton wants to collaborate with Lindsay Lohan after feud: ‘A remix with her would be so iconic’
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Culture Music
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Culture Film & TV
Lindsay Lohan, we love your work!
Culture Film & TV
As it emerges Aaron Samuels was almost played by a different actor...
Culture Film & TV
Li-Lo is making her long overdue return to music.
Culture Film & TV
It was no April Fool. Li-Lo is back, baby.
Culture Film & TV
The 'Mean Girls' star is back to save to pop (we hope).
Culture Film & TV
The single was teased on this week and is set to be released 'very, very soon'
Culture Film & TV
The actor came out years after the hit 2004 movie was released
Culture Film & TV
The new movie is set to air on Freeform this December
Culture Film & TV
The actress was reportedly set to reprise her role in the upcoming sequel
Culture Film & TV
The actress is set to return to the screen in the upcoming comedy sequel.
Culture Film & TV
The actress was quizzed over her relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson.
Culture Film & TV
News World
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Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV