By Ross Semple

Bread & Butter by Zalando, the powerhouse behind numerous events seeking to fuse fashion and culture together, have unveiled a series of videos called Bold Minds Speak.
The videos feature several influential fashion figures revealing their thoughts on “self-expression, personal style, fashion and music’ and most importantly on ‘being bold’. The videos are being released gradually in the lead-up to the September show.
One of the videos comes from merging producer and DJ, MikeQ, whose modern take on the queer party subculture – ballroom, is rapidly taking the international club scene by storm. With gigs from the East Coast to West Coast, plus live-streamed Boiler-Room sets, MikeQ will definitely make you want to vogue the house down, and then some.
Blurring the lines of where fashion and music intersect — a theme at the heart of Bread & Butter’s programme— MikeQ is undoubtedly bringing the underground ballroom scene to a global audience.
Check out the video below:
Bold Minds Speak: MikeQ from Bread & Butter by Zalando on Vimeo.