Attitude’s Bachelor of the Day: Finlay Wilson
By Will Stroude

Attitude’s Bachelors of Year 2017 is brought to you in association with Blued.Finlay WilsonBachelor of the Year position: #100
Finlay Wilson is a yoga teacher from Dundee who began practising the exercise techniques following surgery on both legs. He now runs a charity bringing yoga to kids for free, teaches classes to adults, and is the co-owner of two organic wholefood grocery stores in Scotland.
More importantly, he posts videos on YouTube of himself doing yoga in a just a kilt. Log on and check out him and his downward-facing dog…
How long have you been doing yoga?
I have been doing yoga since 2006 following surgery on both of my legs. I used it to help rehabilitate after about six months of extreme difficulty walking.
Is it a passion that proves a hit with the gentlemen?
I think people like the idea of it, but it seems like one of those things that provokes a bit of a blank stare or “Oh, you must be bendy then.” Usually followed by the ‘one class they went to’ story!
Your cheeky kilt-clad video won you legions of new fans. Did you have any reservations about flashing on camera?
None! It was my idea right from the start, it took a viral video about my rescue dog, Amaloh, before I got the go ahead. Wait until you see the next video…
Sadly you were recently subjected to homophobic threats in your own home. What happened and how had it left you feeling a month later?
I woke up one morning to a hand written letter on my welcome mat saying that they were watching me online, and that me and my dog had to watch our back as they wanted me out of their building. It really made me feel pretty bad for 24 hours that someone in my building would think on it with such animosity to write a letter threatening me. After that, I just got mad! I had so many straight friends say thing like ‘That doesn’t happen anymore’ and ‘You guys have it really good now.’ I made that BBC video to say to people that it isn’t over, and that it is getting worse, not better!
Had you been subjected to homophobia before?
I get homophobic comments on my Instagram about three days in every week. I tend to just block and delete rather than retaliate. I have had to develop an iron constitution for it though.
What would be your advice to anyone in a similar situation?
Report it to the police. Even if you think it is just a threat, they HAVE to take is seriously. Let friends and neighbours know and check in with people. I also now don’t tag my locations in any posts.
How long have you been a bachelor?
About a year. I can’t say that my dating life has been that great.
What was your experience of coming out like?
I had been dating a guy while in the closet and when that ended I was in a really bad place. I got really depressed as I had no one to speak to, everyone thought I was ‘straight’. When I went home for summer from university at age 29 I was really down, drinking heavily to puking almost every night. My mum eventually sat me down, thinking that I was down because of a health crisis and the conversations I had with her up to then suggested as much. When I told her, it was my elder brother’s 21st birthday and she had been losing sleep. It was a relief for her because she thought I was dying. It took longer to tell my brothers, especially my twin brother.
What are the top three qualities you look for in a man?
Honesty, patience and resilience. Together, I think they make quite an exceptional person. Maybe he’s out there!
Best date you’ve ever been on?
I went on one many years ago with an acrobat, we went to the park and were doing yoga, partner acrobatics and had such a laugh. It was natural, sunny and fun.
…and the worst?
Worst date was when the guy sat me down and let me know the stories about my ex and all the ways he had cheated on me. This was after the food came. Awkward!
What’s your favourite part of a man’s body?
Bicep vein. Everytime.
Biggest deal-breaker?
Infidelity. Once burned, always wary.
Do you have an *ahem* ‘three date rule’?
Now now… There is an organic timing that is different for everything. I think that covers me [laughs]
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Chris Hemsworth… Not as Thor but his build in Ghostbusters was pretty sweet! Also, fitness goals.
What’s your hidden talent?
I love to cook. I cook everything from scratch everyday. I will happily spend hours cooking something I will eat in minutes. Is that a hidden talent, I guess its obvious. I also play Trombone! Strong lips! [laughs]
Follow Finlay on Twitter and Instagram.
The June issue of Attitude is out now. Buy in print, subscribe or download. You can see all 100 of Attitude’s Bachelors of the Year here.
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