News World
Hormone therapy reduces depression and suicide among trans youth, study finds
"Banning this vital care and exposing young people to harmful political rhetoric can cause real harm."
News World
"Banning this vital care and exposing young people to harmful political rhetoric can cause real harm."
Culture Film & TV
"It’s hard to describe the pressure of being in the public eye while you’re going through tough times"
Culture Sexuality
The recipient of the Attitude Breakthrough Award owes it all to her rainbow-coloured brothers, sisters and everyone in-between.
News World
The new study found around 40 per cent of students admitted they considered suicide
Culture Film & TV
The singer also penned an emotional letter thanking his fans for their support
News World
News World
The leading LGBT charity also found that nearly half of trans people have had suicidal thoughts
News World
The singer's younger sister Harriet died May last year a week after being hit by a car in Bristol.
Culture Film & TV
The Pop Idol winner has enrolled into a dry stone walling course
Culture Sexuality
Anthony Gilét offers his advice as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.
Culture Film & TV
The singer unexpectedly pulled out of the BBC ballroom competition in 2016.
News World
Apparently it contains anti-depressant qualities
News World
News World
News World
Culture Film & TV
News World
Culture Film & TV
News World