Orlando shooter’s wife ‘had prior knowledge of attack’

Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s current wife, Noor Mateen (née Salman) is being investigated by the FBI after reportedly telling federal agents she knew he was planning an attack.
NBC News learned from a source that Ms Mateen, 30, told Federal agents that she tried to talk her husband – who was killed by police during the attack – out of the atrocity, and that she was with him when he bought ammunition and a gun holster.
She also revealed that she had once driven Mateen to the very nightclub he chose to carry out his violent rampage.
US Senator Angus King said: “It appears she had some knowledge of what was going on.
“She is a person of interest right now.”
Fox News claims an FBI source told them they were looking to charge Ms Mateen as an accessory to 49 counts of murder, and 53 counts of attempted murder, along with, pertinently, failure to notify law enforcement of an impending crime. A federal grand jury is currently convened, and charges could be brought today (JUN 15)
It is important to note that Mateen’s previous wife claims she was physically and mentally abused by him, and her family confirmed they had to rescue her from his clutches and threaten him with the authorities.
Further investigation by the FBI could well exonerate Ms Mateen, if it is found she was also suffering controlling abuse. According to Mateen’s previous neighbours in California, who spoke to Mercury News, Noor’s mother regularly complained that Mateen controlled her daughter.
“Her mother would always complain the the husband did not let her visit the family,” Sarwan Kaur said.
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