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Rally in London to support gay Mexican-British man detained in Qatar after Grindr sting

The rally will take place on Thursday 16 May at 5.30pm outside the Foreign Office to show support for Manuel Guerrero

By Jamie Tabberer

Manuel Guerrero Aviñ, right, and his brother Enrique (Image: Provided)
Manuel Guerrero Aviñ, right, and his brother Enrique (Image: Provided)

The family of British citizen Manuel Guerrero, who was arrested in Qatar after a Grindr sting, are organising a rally to urge the Foreign Office to do everything they can to bring him to the UK.

The rally will start at 5.30pm on Thursday 16 May, at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, King Charles Street, London SW1A 2AH.

Human rights organisations National AIDS Trust and FairSquare are supporting the rally.

Guerrero was arrested in March. He was then denied vital HIV medication and subjected to experiences that Amnesty International has called “nothing short of horrific”.

The ex-British Airways manager, who is HIV positive, is now out of prison but faces prosecution, according to his brother. He is banned from leaving the country and is about to run out of antiretroviral medication.

Gay sex in the conservative Muslim country is punishable by up to seven years in prison, and carries the death penalty under Sharia law, although this is unenforced.

While in detention, Guerrero reports that he was withheld food and water and subjected to homophobic abuse and discrimination due to his HIV status, and that he was forced to watch other prisoners being whipped, in order to compel him to name other gay people in Qatar.

The man’s brother Enrique Guerrero later told Attitude: “He is very affected by the torture, the post-traumatic stress, but he has hope that with the solidarity of the LGBTQ community and organisations worldwide, and everything we are doing, that we can reach freedom and justice. But he’s worried about his health, and access to medicine.”

This is a crucial time in Guerrero’s case, with the verdict due in early June. There are concerns for his health and welfare if convicted and imprisoned in Qatar, a country which has been evidenced to abuse LGBT+ people in detention, according to Human Rights Watch.1

Deborah Gold, Chief Executive of National AIDS Trust, said: “Manuel has been deprived of the HIV medication that he needs to stay well, in a clear and abhorrent breach of his rights. We have grave concerns about his health and wellbeing if he is imprisoned in Qatar. Our government has a duty to protect its citizens whenever they face this kind of intolerable discrimination overseas.

“On the eve of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia it is outrageous that members of our community are still subjected to these kinds of human rights violations. So we are calling on supporters to come together and urgently demand that the Foreign Office intervenes, to bring Manuel back to safety in the UK.”

James Lynch, co-director of FairSquare, added: “Since the very moment his ordeal began, Manuel’s case has been dreadfully and shockingly unjust. It is clear that the charges against him should be dropped, and at this stage we’re looking to the British government to stand up for his rights, make clear representations to the Qatari government about the unfairness of his trial, and support his immediate return to the UK.”

And Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP for Brighton Pavillion, also expressed her concern, stating: “As long as Manuel is trapped in Qatar, his life will clearly be at serious risk, so we really need the Foreign Office to ramp up their efforts now and do everything in their power to bring him home safely.”