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Say hello to your new favourite Instagram page: Hot Dudes in Beds

By Fabio Crispim

PEOPLE THIS IS IT. We’ve just found the number one account on the ‘gram that’s definitely worth a follow this weekend, and it goes by the sweet, sweet name of @hotdudesinbeds.

Sit back. Relax. Ready? Here we go…

Sometimes they’re naked (often):

“I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet” -Ed Sheeran, Kiss me. . @fabiograngeon @fabiograngeon

A photo posted by Hot Dudes In Beds — Official (@hotdudesinbeds) on

And literary:

Happy saturday . @jordanandzac @jordanandzac

A photo posted by Hot Dudes In Beds — Official (@hotdudesinbeds) on

Or shy (that’s really the only one):

High-fiving hot dude:

Possesed hot dude?

Hot dude with a view:

What-the-hell yogi hot dude:

And finally, some hot dude making a guest appearance amongst other (lesser) hot dudes:


, nerdy and animal-friendly – we’ve got you covered. Hot dudes all over.

Words: Salomé Baudino

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