New documentary on Manchester’s queer raving scene dropped on new streaming site 4:3
Fleshback: Queer Raving in Manchester’s Twilight Zone explores the city's history of queer raving
By Steve Brown

A new documentary about Manchester’s queer rave scene has been released and it looks great!
Fleshback: Queer Raving in Manchester’s Twilight Zone has been directed by Stephen Isaac-Wilson and produced by Anais Bremond mand has dropped on the new streaming platform 4:3 created by Boiler Room and British Council.
Fleshback explores the vivid history of queer culture in Manchester and its legacy as well as celebrating the city’s long history of alternative queer raving in the north.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Manchester’s queer clubbing scenes were localised around Hacienda’s seminal queer party, Flesh and a club called Number 1.
The new documentary explores this history as well as revealing all about those carrying the torch of alternative rave culture, featuring collectives such as Homo Electric, Meat Free, Body Horror and High Hopes.
Steffi, DJ for Meat Free in Manchester, said: “People are very honest up north, and big movements don’t always wash with the northerners.
“We’re not about branding or excluding people. Sexual identity is not at the forefront of our parties.”
By using archive footage to highlight the continuum between Flesh and The Hacienda, and the parties that are happening outside of Manchester’s city centre today.
The release of the film marks the 30 year anniversary since Section 28 was enacted, the last homophobic law in the UK which told schools not to promote homosexuality.
You can stream the film here. Watch the trailer below: