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Apparently cumming this many times a month can lower the risk of prostate cancer

By Joshua Haigh

While most things that benefit our health can be pretty annoying – honestly does anyone actually LIKE Kale? – researchers in the U.S. have found one particularly novel way to help protect against prostate cancer.

A study at Harvard University has discovered that men who ejaculate more than 21 times a month can reduce their risk of contracting the disease.

Prostate cancer is currently the most common found among men in the UK, and according to statistics, around 1 in every 39 men actually die from the disease.

The study of 32,000 men and their sexuality habits found that those with high levels of sexual activity are at less risk of contracting prostate cancer.

“We found that men reporting higher compared to lower ejaculatory frequency in adulthood were less likely to be subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer,” stated the researchers.

“This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in the prevention of prostate cancer. 21 ejaculations or more per month can protect you from prostate cancer.”

It’s not a small decrease in risk either. Researchers claimed men who followed the pattern had a 33% lower risk of contracting prostate cancer altogether.

“If a man wants to stay out of the operating room and avoid cancer of the prostate, he needs to go full blast to avoid the high-fat junk foods and environmental toxins that contribute to prostate problems and to start a wise nutritional program that includes the basic supplements that affect the prostate.”

We’re cancelling plans this evening to make up for last month.