Uncategorised Fashion
Elliot Page, Julia Garner and A$AP Rocky unveiled as new faces of Gucci Guilty
"They celebrate the countless iterations of love, embodying complete self-acceptance," said a Gucci rep
Uncategorised Fashion
"They celebrate the countless iterations of love, embodying complete self-acceptance," said a Gucci rep
Style Fashion
The 28-year-old singer,-songwriter, actor, and model can now add fashion designer to his accomplishments.
Culture Film & TV
Ridley Scott's crime biopic tells the real-life story of Maurizio Gucci's 1995 assassination.
Culture Film & TV
"Signore e Signora Gucci"
Style Fashion
You’re not fully dressed without a smile - or a sensational aftershave…
Style Fashion
Here are the pledges made by some of the world's leading designers.
Culture Film & TV
The raffle, featuring items donated by Styles, Russell Tovey and more, will be held on Saturday just before London Pride
News World