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Orlando gunman’s ex-wife believes he was gay and wanted to impress his father

By Fabio Crispim

The ex-wife of Omar Mateen, the man responsible for the Orlando massacre, believes that he was a tormented gay men who was trying to impress his homophobic father, according to Gay Star News.

In an interview with Crime Watch Daily Sitora Yusufiy, who divorced Mateen seven years ago, said that he was “never sexually interested” in her and the pair lacked a “sexual connection”.

She also claimed that Mateen frequently used gay dating apps and visited gay nightclubs. She said, “There’s no other way to explain him having so many dating apps and visiting night clubs and dancing with gay men and confiding in them.”

Mateen allegedly led a “secret life” but said that gay people were the “biggest sinners”. Yusufiy believes the attitude came from Mateen’s father, Seddique who disparaged gay people and taunted his son if Omar didn’t act “masculine”.

Mateen’s dark side surfaced around a month into their marriage when he began to physically and verbally abuse her. She was eventually rescued by her parents before discovering she was pregnant and terminating the pregnancy.

Mateen killed 49 people at gay nightclub Pulse and the shooting has been called one of the worst attacks in American history.

You can watch the full Crime Watch Daily interview below:

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