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Grief-stricken mother calls for better LGBT education in schools following daughter’s suicide

By Will Stroude

Kelly Moorhead from Dumfries, Scotland, lost her confident and fun-loving daughter Chloe three months ago, and is demanding that schools should provide better education regarding LGBT issues.

Moorhead said that Chloe took her own life because she couldn’t handle the humiliation she faced for being gay, and says better education about LGBT issues in schools could have saved her daughter’s life.

15-year-old Chloe came out as gay just over year ago. Her twin sister Samantha followed suit three months later, telling their mother she was bisexual.

Moorhead tells Herald Scotland: “It’s shocking with Chloe as she was so confident and she came out, I couldn’t have been any prouder of her coming out at that age. She was so secure with it at the time.

“This is why I think it’s essential this issue is brought into schools, and made a part of the lessons in class. It can’t be an option, it needs to be part of lessons. You could easily bring it in as part of the PSE class for example. It could have saved her life.”

Moorhead believes that if her daughter was supported at school, then she may still be here.

“The question that we have to ask ourselves is simple – how many more young people have to die before we buckle-up and tackle these issues? Because this article should never have had to be printed and Chloe should still be here. Our government have been quick to support our campaign, but now it’s time for action and not just words.

“My message is yes, there is hate out there, but I want people who are gay, lesbian, transsexual, to see that not everyone is a bigot or has a negative attitude. There is support out there. We never will abolish hate, but I want them to see that there are people who support them. We’re here.”

Since the death of her daughter, Moorhead has been active in promoting LGBT issues Dumfries, attempting to challenge the stigma that gay and transgender people face.

She said she is determined to tackle discrimination and has organised charity nights and LGBTI-friendly events – is currently fundraising to hold a Pride parade in Dumfries next year.

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young people, with LGBT people disproportionately affected. If you are struggling, please call Samaritans on 116 123, or The London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard on 020 7837 6768. Both are open 24 hours a day.

There are resources to help you support a suicidal friend or loved one on NHS Choices.

Words: Bryan Bernal