John Grant joins Panti Bliss in new video series ‘HIV GARAGE’
In partnership with Gilead Sciences.
By Will Stroude

This article is part of the My HIV, My Rules, My Journey campaign, a disease awareness programme that has been developed by Gilead Sciences Ltd.
Acclaimed musician John Grant has joined Panti Bliss and LGBTQ influencers for a new video series designed to raise awareness about the issues surrounding ageing with HIV.
The US singer-songwriter and former Attitude cover star, who first revealed his own HIV diagnosis in 2012, will appear alongside famed Irish drag star Panti and queer YouTube stars including Calum McSwiggan in the ‘ HIV GARAGE’, a brand new video series from the My HIV, My Rules, My Journey campaign.
The video series, which will be rolled out over the coming months, will see the group offer advice and information for a generation of people ageing with HIV.
Watch the teaser trailer below for a sneak peek into the ‘HIV GARAGE’:
“Like many people, my journey with HIV has not been an easy one, and now I’ve just hit my fifties I am starting to think about ageing for the first time,” Grant, 50, says.
“With HIV today, it’s great to know we’re looking at a long-distance drive on the open road. I’m pleased to be helping others understand the various tests and checks available in a relatable way, including the HIV Health MOT.”
Panti, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 and also hit the big 5-0 this year, adds: “I loved collaborating with John and seeing his input into this great new series. We’re all clocking up the mileage, and HIV can put some nasty bumps in the road.”
“You wouldn’t take a long road trip without checking what’s under the hood, so make a plan for healthy ageing with HIV – the HIV Health MOT is a great place to start.”
Since being launched by Gilead Sciences Ltd. four years ago, My HIV, My Rules, My Journey has supported HIV-positive gay men to make decisions about their health as they age with HIV, offering advice on taking care of your body and reducing the risk of developing conditions associated with HIV as you get older.
To mark the release of ‘HIV GARAGE’, the website has had its own engine overhaul, with brand new content sitting alongside the Health MOT service designed to give users an insight into health assessment options and topics to discuss with their doctor.
Subscribe to the My HIV, My Rules, My Journey YouTube page now to ensure you’re in pole position when Panti and the boys roll in.
Job number: 001/UK/19-03/MI/1013z
Date of preparation: July 2019