Calvin Klein Underwear want us all to Instagram our pants

Calvin Klein Underwear have launched the mother of all social media campaigns called ‘#MyCalvins’.
Tapping into everyone’s favourite guilty pleasure, the selfie, CK are encouraging you to whip out your phone, take a snap of your pants and share it with the world. If you show off their iconic waistband well enough, you might just end up on this hub of hotness.
The campaign kicked off with supermodel Miranda Kerr and musician Trey Songz posting pics – and they were soon joined by the likes of Fergie and Iggy Azalea, all clad in CK undies.
#MyCalvins accompanies the release of the new Calvin Klein Dual Tone men’s underwear line – it’s colourful and shiny, so we’re all for it. The Spring-Summer 2014 campaign was shot by Steven Klein, and it’s amazing, but for now here are some gratuitous shots of a few of our favourites from the ‘hottie wall’:
Musician @treysongz
Honestly, it’s a bit hypnotising, good luck trying to do any work after clicking here.
Oh, and we almost forgot this incredible #MyCalvins shot featuring ADDED CAT.