Wild At Heart Foundation launch charity sweatshirt

Wild at Heart Foundation launch teh second collection of charity slogan sweatshirts.
After the successful launch from November’s ‘One Night Only’ an art fundraiser with 100% of proceeds directed to delivering global animal welfare projects, Wild at Heart Foundation have brought back the collection to life by re-launching the slogan sweatshirts. Each extra soft, unisex sweater is priced at £50 and made from 100% fairtrade/organic cotton made to support the re-homing of dogs on a global scale.
Designed by Wild at Heart Foundations good friend Simeon Farrar, founder of design label Black Score, has created a range for the Foundation. Each of the 7 sweaters inspiration is drawn from the gorgeous rescue dogs from around the globe and the Wild at Heart social media campaign #pawsforthought.
The purchase of your sweatshirt will help us reduce the world’s 600 million stray dog population by funding neutering projects, educating and changing cultures to prevent animal cruelty and supporting the rehoming of dogs.
Shop the sweatshirts now at www.wildatheartfoundation.org
or text WAHF16 to 70070