New UKIP leader who opposes same-sex marriage names gay MEP as his deputy
By Josh Lee

Paul Nuttall has become UKIP’s new leader. The former deputy leader and MEP won 62.2 per cent of the vote, easily beating his closest rival, former deputy chairwoman Suzanne Evans, who won just 19.3 per cent of UKIP members’ support.
“Rather than helping tackle problems of domestic violence and rape in future years, as given as another woolly reason for introduction, it is going to confuse and worry these little children.
“Currently such lessons are only given to children of secondary-school age and that is the way is should remain. It is the preserve of parents who think their children are ready for basic sex education at an earlier age to inform them.”
Despite a long history of anti-LGBT+ views, Nuttall has appointed gay MEP Peter Whittle as his deputy. Whittle, who previously stood for UKIP in the London mayoral election earlier this year, said he was “delighted” with the decision.
I am delighted to be appointed @UKIP Deputy Leader by the newly elected Leader @paulnuttallukip.
— Peter Whittle AM (@prwhittle) November 28, 2016
“Although we have sympathy for those with HIV/AIDS, people from abroad with life-threatening long-term illnesses place an unacceptable burden on the taxpayer-funded NHS and we all know the pressure it is under.
“We should introduce systems similar rules to those in Australia and Canada where long-term admission is basically barred if migrants health conditions are considered a danger to public health or safety or would cause excessive demand on the health-care system.
“Those are sensible measures. We are an overcrowded island and have a duty to protect those who live here,” he concluded.