Daniel Franzese’s mum has an amazing message for homophobes
By Will Stroude

Last week’s historic ruling legalising same-sex marriage across all 50 US states might have prompted the religious zealots and homophobes to spout off with increasing frenzy over the internet, but Daniel Franzese’s mum has a message for them.
Upset at some of the comments she’d seen on “the Facebook”, the Looking star and attitude.co.uk columnist’s mother recorded a video calling out the ‘phobes on their crap, and reminding gay people to ignore the hate and love themselves.
“I seen on Facebook people writing that people who are gay are gonna go to hell and that the world is changing. That’s not true. That’s not true.” Mrs Franzese says, in the video that Dan uploaded to his official YouTube account.
“It just hurts me because these same people are divorced, they lie, they cheat. they steal. So many people, and they point their fingers at the gay people.
“Let me tell you something: I’m proud to be the mother of my son who’s gay.”
She adds: “I just want everyone to know, don’t believe they stupid sh*t that’s out there, because it’s all lies. I just woke up and read some of the crap that these people wrote, and I’m disgusted, because that’s not true and that’s not what the Bible says.
Dan penned a column for us earlier this year talking about his own faith, saying it was time he ‘came out the closet’ as a Christian – click here to read it.
Watch Mrs Frazese’s message below:
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