Adorable Arkansas dad turns to internet for advice on how to speak to gay teenage son

One dad from the United States has demonstrated a lesson in good parenting after seeking advice over how to talk to his son about his sexuality.
After accidentally discovering his teenage son had a boyfriend, the Reddit user from Arkansas joined the ‘AskGayBros’ subreddit thread on the popular website to seek a little bit of further help on how he should broach the topic, reports Pink News.
“Earlier today, my oldest son left his cell phone on the living room table. I noticed that someone has been blowing his cell up, and curious ol’ me decided to see what was going on,” he wrote.
“Well, I learned that he has been dating this boy from, what I assume to be his high school. I am not experienced on this topic, never really have been, til now at least.”
Adding he loved both of his sons unconditionally, the 37-year-old said and was “basically asking for advice”. “My wife doesn’t know, and my son doesn’t know that I know,” he said.
“I’m going to post this tonight (Feb 10), and attempt to answer any advice given to me when I get home from work. Apologies if I’m off topic. I simply searched ‘ask gay’ and I got here.
“Moderators, if you do not want me here, just say so, no hard feelings. I would appreciate it if someone would give a stranger some kind advice.”
After an outpouring of support and advice, the man later returned to the forum to update users with news there had been a very happy outcome.
“Today has been a really eventful day. It all started with me casually asking my oldest if he’s seeing anyone this Valentine’s Day,” he said.
“I noticed that he got a little uncomfortable, and as any father would, I asked him what’s wrong. He went on about if I’d accept him no matter what. Well, as y’all know, I 100% support my son, and after I told him that, he beat around the bush for a good 20 minutes.”
Adding that his son revealed he was gay and had been dating someone, the dad said his wife and other son were all present for the moment, with everyone “happy with each other”.
“His boyfriend is a 17 year old skinny blonde guy, who is out to his parents. My son allowed my wife and I to speak to him over the phone, and he seemed really sweet and caring,” he said.
“The boyfriend’s mother and my wife spoke to each other, and we decided to set up a little get-together, just to get to know each other.
“My son and his boyfriend are going on a date to a local movie theatre while the rest of us are meeting up, which will happen on the 14th.”
“I’m glad everything turned out great. In the end of the day, the only thing I want to see is my for my son to be happy, and I think he’s found that happiness.”
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