Alan Carr is getting married!
By Will Stroude

The sound of wedding bells is ringing out across the land today after comedian and presenter Alan Carr announced his engagement.
The 40-year-old Chatty Man host will soon be off the market for good after his partner of eight years, Paul Drayton, popped the question in Indonesia last week.
Showing off his new engagement ring in an interview with The Sun, Carr recounted the moment his busband-to-be popped the question in a restaurant, revealing he came back from the bathroom to find a ring had been placed in his dessert.
“And then I was like, ‘Oh my God, a filling’s come out, just my luck on holiday.’” he joked.
After pulling out the ring, the restaurant’s staff all began singing Lion King classic ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight?’ as Paul popped the question.
“So it was my idea of hell, but of course I said yes,” Carr said.
While the wedding planning is still in the early stages, it seems that Alan already has his eye on everyone’s dream wedding singer: Adele
“The engagement only happened last week so I don’t know exactly what we’ll do, he said.
“But a big old wedding and Adele singing ‘Someone Like You’”.
Congratulations Alan! We couldn’t be happier for you.
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