Justin Bieber flaunts it for new Calvin Klein campaign

Roughly this time last year, Justin Bieber posted that underwear-clad, muscle-filled video gem on Instagram, and now we’ve been treated to not one, but two pictures from the Canadian popstar for the #mycalvins advertising campaign.
Arguably the man of the moment in music and fashion, Justin Bieber gets down to his #mycalvins underwear with the simple phrase ‘I flaunt in #mycalvins’.
The new campaign has seen stars such as Kendrick Lamar, Fetty Wap, Sung Jin and filling in the verb of their choice for the new advertising campaign with ‘flaunt’ ‘dream’ and ‘reflect’ – and one thing’s for sure, we’ll be having sweet dreams of the Biebs tonight…
We’re expecting that this is an Instagram post that launches a thousand more, as a handful of stars have already posted up their versions of the campaign. It also looks like you can get into your Calvins and give it a go too…
Check out more pictures from the campaign at explore.calvinklein.com.
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