Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s Rachel Bloom on lesbian kiss: We were so psyched!

During a Writers Guild of America panel, comedian actress Rachel Bloom revealed that the first time she ever kissed a girl was on CW’s comedy series, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
Gay Star News reports that during the panel Bloom said, “In the second episode, I make out with a girl – we were so psyched!”
“I’d never made out with a girl before,” Bloom says.
In the series, which has just been renewed for a second season, Bloom plays Rebecca Bunch who gives up her partnership at a law firm and her Manhattan apartment to follow an old summer camp boyfriend and ends up living in West Covina, taking a job at a local law firm and attempting to reconnect with her ex.
“I connect with a gay man on a level that I don’t even understand,” Bloom adds. “I don’t get it but I really, really connect with gays and am glad anytime I can have an LGBT fan.”
As the season progresses, Rebecca’s boss, Darryl played by Pete Gardner, discovers he’s bisexual and starts to date a fitness instructor called Josh.
“Josh sparks a connection in Darryl and it is something that emerged organically,” Bloom says. “He and Rebecca are on similar paths. They are both optimists with a deep sadness.”
Bloom just recently won a Golden Globe Award for best actress in a comedy series.
You can take a look at the trailer for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend below:
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