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Ask Sinitta: ‘Get the message, bitch!’

By Nick Levine

sinittaPhillip from Bristol asks Sinitta: “I went on a date last night with a really nice guy – but he’s really not attractive. What should I do?”Sinitta says:

“Ok, so is he a ‘really nice guy’ as in nice but not your cup of tea at all? Or a ‘really nice guy’ as in you’d love to be friends and he’s even great boyfriend material but you could never fancy him?

If it’s the first, if you have nothing in common at all, just send a message saying: ‘It was nice to meet you – I hope we both meet Mr Right.’

If it’s the latter… Do you have a friend who is equally as ‘attractive’ as him that you could introduce him to? That way you can still be friends. Don’t let a good guy go to waste – recycle sister!

Johnny from Carlisle asks Sinitta:  “My boyfriend’s mother is coming to stay for a fortnight and has a really sharp tongue – I’ve recently put on a bit of weight and she asked if I’d got a job as a tester at the Kit Kat factory. I’d really like my boyfriend to stick up for me when she’s mean but he won’t. Next time she’s catty, should I answer back or hold my tongue?”

Sinitta says: “Wow! What a bitch. I would definitely say something – but be clever. Does she have anything remotely ‘off’ about her besides her tongue? Usually these people can dish it out, but they can’t take it!

Could you pick up on one of her ‘weaknesses’ and bring it to her attention – or maybe just announce ‘Welcome Back Cruella!’ when she arrives. You could even tell her, ‘I baked a few cakes, ’cause as you know I eat my feelings and the Kit Kat factory was closed!” That way, she might just ‘get the message, bitch!’

Ben from London asks Sinitta: I’m torn about Valentine’s Day – should I go for a romantic dinner with my longtime boyfriend or attend a screening of In Bed with Madonna at my local gay bar? They only show it there once a year!

Sinitta says: “Easy Peasy!! Take him for a romantic pre-screening dinner, then after Madonna head home for romantic dessert In Bed With You!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you Macho Men + ToyBoys! xx

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