Culture Sexuality
Antoni Porowski and Kevin Harrington mark fourth anniversary with adorable posts
"On our first trip together a lil less than four years ago I got down on one knee in jest," Porowski wrote.
Culture Sexuality
"On our first trip together a lil less than four years ago I got down on one knee in jest," Porowski wrote.
Culture Film & TV
Kristin Stewart was nominated in the Best Actress category for her role as Princess Diana in Spencer.
News World
And they're called Stephen and Steven!
Culture Film & TV
"It was magical," says Grande's new fiancé and Twitch star Hale Leon.
Culture Film & TV
The TV star has revealed the pair called it a day during lockdown.
News World
Police Chief Dale Engle allegedly blamed a deputy sheriff’s death from coronavirus on his homosexuality.
Culture Film & TV
The 'Years and Years' star says the role will challenge him more than he's "ever been challenged before."
Culture Film & TV
"We’re the happiest Dads in the world!"
Culture Film & TV
The 'Years & Years' star seemingly confirmed on Instagram that he's rekindled his relationship with his former flame.
Culture Film & TV
"This is the proudest moment of our lives."
Culture Film & TV
The pair have been dating since 2017 and announced their engagement last October.
Culture Film & TV
The 'Queer Eye' culture expert revealed he has booked a Ferris wheel for the wedding
News World
The Olympic race walker shared a picture of himself kissing his fiancé to mark National Coming Out Day.
News World
The actor is best known for playing gay best friend Damien in the hit school comedy
News World
The Being Human star got engaged to the rugby player back in February
News World
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV
Culture Film & TV