Steve Grand attends dance with the hunky marine who asked to be his date
By Will Stroude

You might remember the story of Sergeant Tanner White from earlier this year, who asked US country singer Steve Grand to be his date to the Marine Corps Ball.
“This video is for the all-American boy, Steve Grand,” Sgt. White said in a YouTube video which has since racked up over 140,000 views. “Steve, you are an amazing singer. I’ve seen some of your blog videos and they were awesome. I would like for you to go with me to the 2015 Marine Corps ball in Wilmington, North Carolina as my date.
“Hopefully you say yes. If not, it was worth a shot.”
Grande – who was recently involved in a bit of an awkward TV interview after the host didn’t realise he was gay – warmed our hearts as he quickly accepted the invitation in his own video response, and last night the big day finally came, as the pair attending the ball and shared some adorable photos of the occasion for us to ‘aww’ over.
“What a special night,” Grand wrote on Instagram afterwards. “Honoured to be in the company of some of our country’s finest”.
If you need us, we’ll be filming our own video invitation for Chris Pratt to be our date to the Attitude Christmas party. Thank you Sgt. White, you’ve proved that dreams really can come true…
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