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Mormon parents fear hot dog toy ‘promotes gay agenda’

By Attitude Magazine

A gay ex-Morman uncle a Reddit post, filed under a sub-group dedicated to “ex-mormons and others who have been affected by Mormonism to share news, commentary, and comedy about the Mormon church” has seen a gay uncle being told the gifts he bought for his nephew were phallic.

In the post, the self-described “cool ex-Mormon uncle” explained that his brother-in-law thought that the ‘bouncy inflatable hot dog toy‘ that he bought for his seven year old nephew resembled a penis and that he was promoting a gay agenda.


“My brother in law thinks it looks like a penis. It’s a hot dog that kids bounce on and it looks nothing like a penis. That is how riled up Mormons are about homosexuality. I think they believe I’m trying to push a “gay agenda” by getting a 7 year old a hot dog to bounce on,” he wrote in the post.

“It never crossed my mind that it looked like a penis because I’m no longer a sexually suppressed Mormon cult member.”

The Mormon Church is firm in its condemnation of homosexuality as sinful behaviour, with one of their tenets of Mormon doctrine being the Law of Chastity, which only permits sexual relations between a husband and wife. In recent years, there have been efforts to change attitudes towards homosexuality in the church of the Latter Day Saints.