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Róisín Murphy on solo stardom and the genesis of Moloko: ‘I still have the dress from the Sing It Back video’

Exclusive: The Moloko icon and solo star is the latest in the hot seat for our She's Got Attitude fabulousness quiz

By Anna Wall

Róisín Murphy
Róisín Murphy (Images: Nik Pate)

From timeless Moloko hits to Mercury-nominated solo albums – songwriter, producer, creative director, fashion icon and all round pop queen Róisín Murphy does it all. Now back with her sixth album, Hit Parade, she’s living the dream. Here, we put her fabulosity to the test…

Hi Róisín! What was your favourite moment in the making of Hit Parade?

Róisín: We made most of it remotely from each other. Me working on the computer here in London recording my vocals and him [DJ Koze] doing stuff with the tracks in Germany. He did record my vocal once in Ibiza. It was between the lockdowns. He stayed a couple of days and recorded ‘The Universe’ with me. We made a little studio for him. He loves it at our house so he recorded the sound of the garden; the birds and the crickets. I think there’s some of that on the track.

It was a hilarious day’s recording. The rest of it was all remote. When we were working, we were sending messages back and forth. “I’m doing this. It’s sounding great.” Or “this is doing my head in, what am I going to do?” So it wasn’t like we were completely separated or anything. But it was a new way of working. And I guess that time stands out.

Ibiza inspiration 5/5

Róisín Murphy: still rocking looks 25 years later (Image: Nik Pate)

What’s the most fabulous lyric on the album and why?

I like a simple lyric like “I let you see” on ‘Replicate’. It’s just when it comes down to that, I let you see. When words can be that simple – that profound – then you can kind of get a bit of a buzz off singing them. I look at the audience when I’m doing ‘Replicate’’ and after this big build, it just explodes. And I go “I let you see”… It just means everything. 

Goosebumps 5/5

What was the coolest thing about self-directing the ‘Fader’ video?

The whole day was just magic. I had to be very focused during the day and so did everyone else, who probably thought ‘[I’ll] just turn up to the parade and Roísín will film it’, but it was a lot more complicated than that. We had to stop and start a lot, reset. And I had to always join at the same time if we were doing a different angle. Everybody had to be really patient and professional. I was amazed by that. Even though I didn’t know that many people there personally, I did feel somehow that I was surrounded by care… That people cared about me. Just because I’m from the town [Arklow], and to perform within that feeling of being cared for was very joyful. 


Tell us something we don’t know about DJ Koze…

The name of the album Hit Parade is because when he was enticing me to work with him in the first place. He sent me an email which more or less said: “Hi, I’m DJ Koze. I’m the best producer in the world. I’m the one you want, the one you need. Check me out I’m brilliant.” It was so cocky, that it was really endearing and intriguing. Then of course I checked him out. I thought this was a kindred spirit that didn’t take things too seriously. Really talented and a lot of fun. When he was talking me into it and all, he was going: “I’m going to put you on Top of the Pops! If you come with me I’m going to put you on the hit parade!” In his German accent. Of course there’s no hit parade, there’s no Top of the Pops, so what are we talking about anyway…

Love his enthusiasm. And bring back TOTP 4/5

Your last single ‘CooCool’ hears the cooing of a sweet lover. What’s your best chat up line?

Obviously “Do you like my tight sweater? See how it fits my body!” was a great chat up line, that led to my whole life as it is now. Because that’s the first thing that I ever said to Mark Brydon who I was in Moloko with. I had been saying it to other people, but he seemed to really like it. That night he invited me to his studio, a really legendary studio in Sheffield. It was empty in the middle of the night and I went down there and he recorded me saying: “Do you like my tight sweater? See how it fits my body” That became the first Moloko track. And we fell in love that night. 

And the rest, as they say, is history!  5/5

Róisín Murphy: “Jessie Ware is one of the most talented people in the industry” (Image: Nik Pate)

Tell us about your collaboration with Jessie Ware…

Jessie is one of the most genuine, brilliant, talented people in the industry. She’s funny, she’s beautiful, she’s an amazing singer, a great songwriter. Her heart is in the right place about everything that she does. I’ve been asked to do stuff like this before and I’ve said no. But I couldn’t say no to Jesse. She’s my mate and I love her. We had a lot of fun on the video shoot, we tried on millions of outfits. It was like a jumble sale back there. We laughed and we cried. 

We adore her too 5/5

What is your record for most costume changes in a single day?

In the last few weeks I’ve been doing photoshoots in Germany, in France, in the UK, and then it’s like “oh we know Roísín can wear 25 outfits in a day can’t she.” … It’s starting to turn my stomach. 


Do you still have the dress from the ‘Sing it Back’ video?

Yes. I haven’t ever put it on since. I put it away. It is quite fragile. It was a lovely image, wasn’t it? The whole thing, the lenses, the delays. It was all on film. You couldn’t make that video anymore because you can’t get the gear, the lenses or the film. You could copy it with AI but you couldn’t do it with a camera. 35mm film, those were the days. 

Take us back to the disco 5/5

Inspired by the Moloko song ‘Pure Pleasure Seeker’ – what’s your guiltiest pleasure?

I don’t feel guilty about pleasure that much. When I’m away from home I might have the occasional McDonalds in bed, watching something on my computer. 

Naughty! 3/5

What things do you like to make and do, other than music?

Other than music I love exercising, I love walking, I love swimming, I love dancing. And of course, along with the music comes all the visuals that I really enjoy getting involved in. I’m creative director across all the artwork, and I’m the director of the videos, and that keeps me pretty busy, all of that. 

Absolutely bossing it 5/5

Róisín Murphy: “Moloko’s ‘Forever More’ never misses” (Image: Nik Pate)

How did you celebrate turning 50?

I took nits out of my childrens hair! It was the only day I had to do it, I had to get stuck in with the nit comb I’m afraid. It took hours. I was in Ireland actually, in Arklow, on the day of my birthday and I went to the pub. I had a couple of drinks but I didn’t have a big one. 

Rock and roll verses reality 3/5

Which of your music video looks is your favourite?

I do like ‘Sing It Back’. It’s not just wearing the dress, it was wearing the video, you know, with the effects and all that as well. With the new imagery, that’s like I’m wearing someone’s artwork. It’s like dressing up in someone else’s dream, if you know what I mean. I think on ‘Overpowered’ I hit it out the park, it’s safe to say. 

Agreed 5/5

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

I have no idea but I must own five times more shoes than I could ever wear. Or would ever want to fucking wear. I mean shoes are those things aren’t they, that you buy because you feel like shopping, but you really don’t want to buy anything. So you end up with a pair of stupid shoes. You get more narrow and limited with what you can buy as you get older. Certainly with me performing, the shoe dictates the kind of performance I can give, as much as anything else. If I’m in a shoe that I can run around the fucking stage in then I’ll run around the stage. if I’m in a shoe that I can only stand in and look lovely in, then that’s what I’ll do. The shoes are a very important decision. 

Preach 5/5

What song can a DJ rely on when all else fails?

Moloko’s ‘Forever More’ – the François K version. It just never misses… Either when we do it live or if it’s played out. 

Love that Róisín picked one of her own 5/5

Who is your favourite drag queen? We’re sure Jimbo would approve of the Fader single cover!

I’m getting a lot of Jimbo here! This wasn’t purposeful. Detox is my girl. 

Great shout 5/5

Describe yourself in three emojis…

The blue spiral, fire, and the one with the googly off-centre eyes. It’s a bit of a ravey one…

Pure fire! 5/5

What has been your memorable fan encounter?

I kissed a fella once, in Turkey, and I came back two weeks later and he had a massive tattoo that said Róisín on his arm, and I absolutely got petrified. So that was weird! 

Serious Róisín fanboys! 5/5

How much is too much for a haircut?

It depends with me, I’ve had all kinds things. The highlights take hours on end, so it is a kind of delicate job isn’t it. You get what you pay for love, so I don’t know what do you think? What do you think is too much? £400 is too much. 

Agreed 4/5

Like the Moloko single let’s ‘sing it back’ – what’s your favourite record right now? 

Triad Board Meeting’s ‘Samo DJ’

Yep, it’s a banger 5/5

Finally, what would be your desert island disc? 

Probably all the versions of ‘See Mi Yah’ by Rhythm and Sound. Just the same groove over and over again, with different songs on it. That’ll do me. 

This island would be absolute vibes. Can we join you, Róisín? 5/5

Score: 99% Attitude

Róisín’s the most achingly cool pop stars of the last 30 years. But who knew she was this down to earth? She sang ‘The Time Is Now’ in 2000 – but her time is definitely now.

Róisín’s album Hit Parade drops 8 September 2023