Who shall we make a Dame next?
By Will Stroude

Yesterday (April 15) brought the happy news that Angela Lansbury has officially been made a Dame by the Queen, putting the royal stamp of approval on an incredible career that has spanned seven decades.
With Dame Angie finally getting the credit she deserves, it got me thinking: which other legendary British women should join the impressive roster of names which already includes greats such as Julie Andrews, Vivienne Westwood and Tessa Jowell.
As is customary, I decided to ask the Attitude office who they’d most like to make a Dame and why. Some members of the team clearly put more thought into this than others, but it was certainly a request that yielded some inspiring and altogether surprising results…
Joanna Lumley – Ben Kelly (Editorial Assistant)
“From being born in the far reaches of the Empire, to cutting her teeth as a model and Bond girl in the swinging 60s, Joanna Lumley gave most to the gay community when she embodied Patsy Stone in Absolutely Fabulous. On top of 7 charitable patronages, there was also all that business with the Gurkhas, which gave us this brilliant clip in which she made a government minister look like an unnecessary knob. What a lady, what a girl.”
Victoria Beckham – Alim Kheraj (Web Contributor)
“From the power of spice and all things nice,Victoria Beckham deserves to be made a dame. Her ability to simultaneously act nonchalant and enthusiastic defies human nautre. Her dedication to her craft, whether it’s fashion, acting or singing is astounding. Already honorary royalty, no-one quite knows how to wear a little Gucci dress, ride around stadium on top of a taxi and serve fierce (dead-behind-the-eyes) realness like Victoria.”
Kate Moss – Nick Levine (Web Editor)
“I’m going for Kate Moss because she’s a fantastic ambassador for Britain (in her own *sniff sniff* way), sticks to the ‘never complain, never explain’ school of celebrity, and manages to be the world’s best supermodel at the same time as being a little bit ropey.”
Barbara Windsor – Will Stroude (Assistant Staff Writer)
“GET OUTTA MA PUB!” It goes without saying that being a Dame cements your place as the best of British, and Babs has surely got to be up there for services to acting over the years. If 10 Carry On films, 20 years working alongside Steve McFadden and a stint as the face of Jackpot Joy Bingo can’t bag you a title, it begs the question, what can?
Emma Thompson – Ben Kelly (Editorial Assistant)
“I’m picking two – I’m not sure if that’s allowed but I’m just going to roll with it. She’s a classic classy actress who’s been in every important British film there ever was (look it up, that’s fact). Depending on which way you look at it, her greatest moment was either channeling hubby Kenneth Brannagh’s affair with Helena B-C into that heartbreaking Love Actually scene, or presenting at the Golden Globes not just drunk, but still actively drinking. She also supports Greenpeace and the Elton John AIDS foundation, as do we.”
Jackie Collins – Andrew Fraser (Deputy Editor)
“Obvs Dame Jackie Collins because; a) she deserves it and b) it would right piss off Joan.”
Gillian Taylforth – Andrew Fraser (Deputy Editor)
“Actually no. Taylforth. Dame Taylforth.”
Nigella Lawson – Ike Muotoh (Designer)
“I’m going with Nigella Lawson because you can’t keep a good bitch down!”
Dane Bowers – Aaron Toumazou (Sub Editor)
“Can I have Dane Bowers because I think it’d be funny if he could also call himself ‘Dame Bowers’.”
Joseph Kocharian – Joseph Kocharian (Fashion Director)
“I’m only getting involved in this if the suggestion is me becoming one.”
Who do YOU think should be made a Dame next? Let us know below.