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Seven intriguingly different ways to get fit

By Attitude Magazine

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to get fit? But does the mere thought of entering a gym make you break out in hives? Well, this article is for you: here are seven rather different ways to shape up that prove exercise needn’t be boooooooring.



Some total genius has combined yoga with Madonna’s favourite homo-underground dance style – Voguing – and come up with Voga. “It’s dynamic, energetic, it’s guaranteed to make you feel amazing,” says head instructor Juliet Murrell. The beauty of Voga is it has all the benefits of standard yoga, such as muscle toning, with an added cardio element provided by the voguing. Classes are held in London’s Finsbury, Bethnal Green and Hackney. Check out for details.



Aqua cycling

Throw your bike into the swimming pool and burn twice the calories! Aqua cycling is the latest NYC exercise craze now making its way to London. It’s basically a spin class in a swimming pool: not only does the water make it extra intense by supplying added resistance, but it also helps minimise the impact on your joints. Classes by Aquallure take place in London’s Pimlico and you can find more information at




If you’re thinking ‘that’s for girls’, cast your eyes on the hot bod of professional  ballerina Richard Winsor and you’ll be at that ballet bar quicker than a rat up a drain pipe. Ballet can help improve your poise and posture, increase your core strength and doing a plié is a great way to get buns of steel. Don’t believe me? Google another ballet hotty: James Whiteside.




Zumba? That’s so 2013! Bokwa is the latest dance-based exercise craze to sweep the nation. What sets Bokwa apart is just how easy it is. If you have two left feet there’s no need to panic as you simply draw out letters and numbers with your feet: L, 3, J, K etc. As long as you know you’re ABCs and your 123s you’re sorted! To find out more and locate a class near you head to




Also known as ‘free running’, Parkour was made famous by the Channel 4 documentary Jump London. The idea is that the city’s your playground: you go for a jog and if there’s something in your way you jump it, climb it or run up it to overcome the obstacle. The best thing about Parkour is it’s free and with all those dynamic movements going on, you’ll end up working all the muscles in your body. The bad thing is it’s pretty dangerous: back-flipping off a bollard has its risks. We suggest you check out for some indoor beginner classes which include lots of handy safety mats.

Military fitness

MiltaryFitnessIf you need a kick up the arse to exercise, Military Fitness could be for you. You won’t be shying away from doing extra crunches with a stern and hunky instructor bearing down on you. Bootcamps and military fitness classes are becoming popular in the UK and it’s easy to see why:  they get you out in the open and help you pack on muscle without the tedious routine of weights.  Visit to find classes nearby.


Hula hoopingHoolaHoops

As Nelly Furtado once told us, “big hoops – the bigger the better”. So why not try your hand, or  rather hips, at hula hooping. Simply slip into your ring of choice and grind those calories away? Hooping will sculpt the buttock and thighs, help develop co-ordination and even increase libido. Sign us up! offers classes, tutorial videos and most importantly hoops!