New video campaign hopes to tackle mental health and body issues

Jonny Benjamin, a mental health campaigner, has launched a new video campaign to tackle mental health issues.
The campaign video, #IAmAMan, features Benjamin discussing his physical appearance, health issues and his personality.
The video starts with Benjamin saying, “I’m a man without a six pack,” and, pointing to a six-pack of beers he’s holding he says “And in fact the only six pack that I have is this and it’s not a good one.”
“Underneath is my real body and I hate it but I’m going to show you because I’m tired of hating it.” He adds that he’s so conscious of his body that he carries something when walking around to hide it.
Speaking to Pink News, Benjamin said, “I want to do something to get men talking.”
“13 men take their own lives each day in the UK but I know we can change this.”
He adds, “I made this latest video about my own vulnerabilities as a vehicle to hopefully help other men to open up and be less afraid of their insecurities.”
You can read the rest of Benjamin’s interview with Pink News on their website and watch Benjamin’s campaign video below:
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