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Little girl bullied for having gay brother, brother responds amazingly

By Will Stroude

When Joseph Flinders from Manchester found out that his 11-year-old sister Lola had been told by a classmate it was “disgusting” that she had a gay brother, he decided to respond with a lesson in what a proper, inclusive upbringing looks like.

In a beautiful Facebook status that traveled the world after it was picked up by Buzzfeed yesterday, the 21-year-old shared a picture he had taken with Lola at Manchester Pride last month, praising his “accepting, compassionate, loving” sister and warning the bullies not to let their own “hate-filled existence” make her any less so:


An open letter to the odious little toad who gave my baby sister a hard time for having a gay big brother. I just wanted to give an example of what a decent upbringing looks like. This is a photo I took of us at the gay pride parade, which she asked to attend with me. I think that’s pretty cool of an eleven year old, don’t you?

I’ve never known such an accepting, compassionate, loving child and I don’t want your hate-filled existence making her any less than she is.

I’m not confrontational but this is a nerve I wouldn’t touch if I were you. Thankfully, you’re a dying breed and I imagine this is the last generation that’ll have to endure narrow-minded tools.

I think she’s pretty great and she’s prouder than ever to tell people her brother is gay. So enjoy spreading hate to nobody that gives a toss.

One of the hundreds of people who liked and commented on the post was Joseph and Lola’s mother, Debra, who wrote: “You have to feel a bit (and only a teeny weeny bit) sorry for kids like the ‘odious toad’ mentioned…because they weren’t born homophobic; they are obviously being influenced by family members…

“I am so proud of you as my son and as a really lovely, hardworking, intelligent and extremely funny bloke. I am equally proud of my little Lola, who is the sweetest and sassiest girl I know.”

Speaking to Buzzfeed about the overwhelming reaction to the status, Joseph said: “When I woke up this morning I had no idea it would have the impact it’s had.

“I’m just really glad that even one person read it.”

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