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Anti-gay activist complains there’s nowhere left to shop because ‘everywhere is pro-gay’

By Fabio Crispim

Anti-gay activist Linda Harvey has complained that she has nowhere left to shop now because most businesses are “pro-gay.”

In a blog piece for conspiracy site World Net Daily, the radio host and Mission: America founder complained that major businesses are rallying behind the LGBT community.

She wrote, “For any Christian who wants to spend hard-earner dollars with family-friendly, Christian-affirming retailers, restaurants and service providers, the list is growing shorter all the time.”

“I stopped shopping at Macy’s in 2011 after learning about the retailer’s grossly unjust policy against women.”

She added that Macy’s management said “yes” to a “transsexual young man’s demand to change in the women’s dressing room.”

According to Indy100, Harvey then attacked Target for voicing their support with the LGBT community.

“Then there’s Target. Where to start? Selling ‘gay pride’ T-shirts a few years back was enough, but Target is now ‘proudly standing’ with homosexuals and cross-dressers who want to change America’s 1964 Civil Rights Act to add ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’.”

“Joining Target in supporting this anti-American, pro-deviance legislation are Amazon, General Mills, Google, Facebook, Paypal, Levi-Strauss and others.”

She listed a number of businesses Christians should “avoid” shopping at including Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Abercrombie & Fitch, Barns & Noble, Hallmark, IKEA, Starbuck’s, Target, Gap, E-Bay and much, much more.

Harvey also had a list of businesses that have done “little to promote homosexuality and gender confusion” though let’s be honest, we probably don’t want to shop there anyway.

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